Wednesday, October 23, 2013 — Morning Prayer

Peacemaking Power, who leads us to places of contentment,

Every morning you greet us pouring out a fresh helping of mercy. We slowly learn that when we acknowledge our fear and anxiety, you are but a breath away. Help us to take that breath now, open us to fill with your peace, still us with the satisfaction of your love. Not for this moment only, but for all moments so that others can come to know your Presence. Amen.

Take a moment and listen for your breathing. Don’t try to force your breath in any way, just a couple of minutes of intentional breathing can bring physical comfort and clarity of thought. As a labor and delivery room nurse, I observed how breathing could facilitate and contribute toward the process of bringing new life into the world. I believe this to be true both physically and spiritually. Breathing requires a certain openness as well as a willingness to let go. Isn’t that true in our life of faith? Our resistance to God thwarts our growth. It is when we are open to God and willing to trust that we experience God’s faithfulness.

In the gospel of John, Chapter 20, the risen Jesus appeared and said to the disciples, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” The peace of God is given through our breathing. Breathing is the doorway to a sense of God’s Presence. Go forth through this day, aware of the nearness of God, breathing in the Spirit of Peace and carrying that toward others. Let me know what new life springs forth as you breathe through this day!