Preach, With the Right Facts

Re A Mausoleum to Christendom, September

There are many articles in the Record which I appreciate, but few where I am inclined to jump out of my seat, throw my hand into the air, and shout, “Preach it, brother!” This was one of them.
We seem to have our head in the sand. I came into the Presbyterian Church 26 years ago and we are talking about the same things at General Assembly today that we were back then. Nothing has changed. We talk about being prophetic, but our voice is most often little more than a spiritualized repeat of voices in the world. We certainly do not know how to speak prophetically to ourselves, and those who try are either outright ignored or find themselves in a position similar to that of Micaiah who, when challenged by Ahab to tell the truth, was promptly thrown into jail when he did so.