Friday, November 8, 2013 — Morning Reflection

One of my prayer partners has become my camera. I do not call myself a photographer (nor a poet, nor a writer, nor a musician, nor an artist), but I discovered a year or so ago that the camera causes me to slow down, take notice, step behind the camera and out of the scene. All of that is extremely difficult for an extrovert! What is amazing, is that after I have a series of digital photos, I go back and review them, delete the dogs and keep the ones I like the best. Each photo is like a gratitude prayer. They are acknowledgements of God’s grace and gifts in my life. Today, through the day, I may just randomly post a picture or two from my iPhone. It’s not about artistry, or perfection or composition and color. It’s simply about another way to “Be still and know that I am God.”

About Gail Doering

Gail Doering grew up in Kansas, moved to California at age 20, married twice, had two children in the second marriage, and had a high tech career in Silicon Valley. And then … “God came a-knockin’ with such a force that She could not be ignored.” She graduated from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2001 at age 42. Since then she has served with four churches, all of them in the Bay Area. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.