Living Together in Harmony

Like some of the rest of you, I get myself in hot water occasionally.  Sometimes I get scalded and sometimes I get a warm feeling that I was right and I am justified in my concerns.

Such was the case recently at a meeting I attended.

Along with the nice little condo I live in, comes the responsibility of overseeing a budget and going along with things you don’t always approve.  It also means living and getting along with a group of people who don’t always think the way you do (something like a marriage only with dozens of people rather than just with one person).

It has its moments of irritability and its moments of serenity.  Like a marriage it sometimes takes a few years (I just typed tears)…and yes a few tears to work through all the parts of the arrangement …like pride, control and simple pig-headedness.  It is a learning experience.

But God knew marriages would work if you would just work at it and sometimes I feel the same about our condo association.  There has been a learning curve in the process of living  here.  Sometimes I have escaped to my own little domain when I was perturbed or even run to another condo owner for consolation.

It reminds me of my relationship with God.  He says “do it my way” and I balk and say “well, I have always done it this way”.  He is patient and eventually I am won over.  Regardless of age, there is no letting up on what you can learn and God is determined to fill you with knowledge of His way and His love.  I am glad it is up to Him.  I would have made such a mess of things all by myself.

So there is some serenity today.  And I pray that my neighbours and I can live in peace and Christian love.  God has requested this of us and I will try to fulfill His expectations.

Psalm 133: 1…”How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony!”