Tuesday, November 26, 2013 — Morning Reflection

From Psalm 145:

Your reign, O God, is an excellent reign.
Your providence extends to all generations.
You are faithful in all Your works, gracious in all Your deeds.
You raise up those who fall and uphold those who are oppressed.
All those who look to You in trust are nourished by You in good time.
You open Your hand and satisfy the needs of all living creatures.
You are just in all Your ways and generous in all that You do.
You are always near those who faithfully call upon You.
You fulfill the desires of those who are devoted to You;
You hear their cry and save them.
You preserve all who love You but destroy all that opposes You.

My mouth will proclaim Your praise, O God,
And all flesh will bless Your holy name,
Both now and through all ages to come!

From Swallow’s Nest, Marchienne Rienstra

About Elizabeth Nordquist

Rev. Elizabeth Nordquist is a Presbyterian pastor and spiritual director. She has retired from teaching at San Francisco Theological Seminary in Southern California. She writes the blog A Musing Amma. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.