Saturday, November 30, 2013 — Morning Prayer

Let’s respond to our sister Elma Millare and pump up the volume of prayer in this web for the Philippines.

Here’s Wendell:
This is the flood road,
the broken way the water
passes when the sky bursts
and hell breaks loose
in this crease at the hill’s feet
as the rain gathers and plunges
in it’s never ending search
for the world’s floor. And here
by night the spider weaves
her fragile work by touch
in the dark to shine by day.
(XVIII, Sabbath poems, This Day p.394).

And here’s the poem I collected on my walk this morning;
Weaver of the web of life,
You know the strength and fragility of the strands that bind us together.
Guide us toward strong anchors.
Teach us to spin real connections.
Be with us as we serve in the mending and repairing of Your holy web.
Of the design, God, it is good.

About Susie Henderson

Susie Henderson is in her final year of studies at Emmanuel College, Toronto; she is working on a master’s degree in pastoral studies, with a focus on end-of-life care, family-directed funerals and natural burials. She works part-time with the Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada and is actively involved in the ecumenical social justice movement. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.