Morality Musings

Walk Good is a blog written by Josh Fults. Josh is a minister and public speaker; he is also a counsellor with masters degrees in psychology and apologetics. His blog is quite good. Generally his topics have to do with marriage and families but he also has a way of challenging his readers. Most recently I enjoyed “Steven King [who is a Presbyterian] and God” and “18 Things I Want My Son to Know About Life.”
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T.V. Personality
Duck Dynasty … need I say more? I love this show. It’s addictive. Where else can you find a show where everybody seems to love each other, and that has no bad language, no violence, no sex, drugs and rock and roll, and ends every show with a family prayer? And it has a crazy uncle to boot! By now most people know a bit of the Robertson family story but lately a lot more information has been coming out and more personal clips are filling up the web. To that end, there is a really great one with Phil Robertson, the family patriarch, titled, “Duck Commander Preachin’ Hard—Shell Shocked Outdoors.” You gotta love it.

I know, I know, I just wrote about Pat Robertson. He’s not all bad, of course. In fact, I’ve heard him say some truly insightful things. But every once in a while the crazy tank fills up a bit too much and old Pat has to let some loose. Such was the case this November when Pat took a phone call on the 700 Club from a woman whose husband had cheated on her. In short, Pat tells the wife of a cheating husband to make things more exciting at home and be grateful for her house and clothing. He also excuses the husband with a simple “he’s a man,” as if that’s the only explanation needed. But don’t let me put words in the man’s mouth. See for yourself.

Now if you know me, you know that I’ve been using “The World’s Most Powerful Tablet/Computer” for some time now. You’ll also know that I despise all things Apple. Nevertheless, those things keep selling. In fact, they’ve sold so much, and so many ministers are now using iPads during their worship services, that a new pulpit (the “iPulpit”) has been designed just for them. The iPad slips right into a slot cut into the specially – made pulpit. There is even a top – of – the – line version for $750 with a space below for a Bible. You may love it, you may hate it, but no matter what, you’ve got to agree—the times they are a changin’.
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About bradleychilds

Rev. Bradley Childs is minister at First, Regina.