Sunday, December 1, 2013 — Morning Reflection

The frog with lichened back and golden thigh
Sits still, almost invisible
On leafed and lichened stem,
Its sign of being at home
There in its given place, and well.

The warbler with its quivering striped throat
Would live almost beyond my sight,
Almost beyond belief,
But for its double note–
Among high leaves a leaf,
At ease, at home in air and light.

And I, though woods and fields, through fallen days
Am passing to where I belong:
At home, at ease, and well.
In Sabbaths of this place
Almost invisible,
Toward which I go from song to song.
(Wendell Berry, Sabbaths: 1980 IV,This Day)

I heard no frogs or warblers on my early morning walk today, streetcars and traffic noise were the sounds of my city waking up. But as I listened I became aware of the sound of my own footsteps, and leaves blowing across the road. I heard a friendly hello from a fellow who may have been out much longer than me. The windchimes in people’s gardens came and went. These signs of life were almost inaudible, but present.

Creator God, you designed us to be at home, at ease and well in your Creation. Sing us that song today and may we have ears to hear it.

About Susie Henderson

Susie Henderson is in her final year of studies at Emmanuel College, Toronto; she is working on a master’s degree in pastoral studies, with a focus on end-of-life care, family-directed funerals and natural burials. She works part-time with the Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada and is actively involved in the ecumenical social justice movement. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.