Saturday, December 14, 2013 ā€” Morning Reflection

The words of Beverley Osborn of Aotearoa (New Zealand) often reflect her geography and the seasons of the southern hemisphere. I share with us all a funeral blessing … because my heart is still thinking about Nelson Mandela and because the losses nearby have been great. May each of you perhaps be able to whisper someone’s name in this open place.

What follows is an Advent poem reminding me that Iā€™m often bound by northern hemisphere natural symbols. It speaks to me of Isaiah 35 as well as Isaiah 61.

Dear _____, May the glory of the skies surround you and the light of sunlit waters be upon you. May the chuckle of laughing waves give joy to your journeying, the song of the tui accompany you and the strong wings of seabirds fly you into the freedom of eternal love.

And for those of us who are still earthbound, may the vitality of the fern be in our words and our ways, may the beauty of the earth renew our spirits and may the tenderness of a new dawn bring us peace. Amen.

For Advent:
Over and over
the Christ is born ā€“
the seed
of the goodness of God
planted in each new life,
each singing bird,
and glowing flower,
each kindly deed,
each wide-eyed child..

May we nourish our seeds
into growth and blossoming,
till the whole world shines
with love.

For as the earth bursts forth its shoots,
and as the seeds of a garden sprout and spring up,
so God will cause goodness and justice
to flourish and flower in full display
(Isaiah 61:11)

About Maren Tirabassi

Maren Tirabassi is minister at Union United Church of Christ in Madbury, New Hampshire. She has written 18 books, most of them published by Pilgrim Press. Her newest book is called From the Psalms to the Cloud: Connecting to the Digital Age. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.