Sunday, December 15, 2013 — Morning Reflection

On the seventh day God rested. Earlier we thought about how the Christmas story begins with creation. And later we prayed about how the busyness of Christmas preparation can be like anti-joy. One way we address this is Sabbath. But Sabbath means more than just rest or escape. Sabbath means to carve out time with God. Every day should have a component of intentional Sabbath. And on a regular basis we should be intentional about lengthy, meaningful time with God.

Take time today to make special time with God. Put yourself in a comfortable position and breath intentionally. Use a mantra, Maranatha is one that is highly recommended. Come Holy Spirit could be another. Or think of a song of invocation and let that run through your mind. I also like to do this while walking, remembering that my body belongs to God as well. End by saying, chanting or singing an Amen.

About Gord Brown

Gord Brown graduated from Knox College, Toronto, last spring. Before his return to school, he worked as a writer/editor/publisher, a public affairs consultant and a human resources consultant. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.