Thursday, December 26, 2013 — A Scarf Psalm

As a knitter, I am always looking for allusions to my craft. When I first read this psalm from the Iona Community, I could picture the scarf. I was reminded that we don’t always wear such things because it is cold — although it is pretty cold in this part of Canada. Sometimes we wear them just because they make us feel good. Just as Neil compares being wrapped in the day to being wrapped in a scarf, I compare being wrapped in a scarf to being enfolded in God’s love.

May you also feel wrapped in God’s love on this day.

A Psalm by Neil Paynter
God, I feel I could wear the day
I feel I could wear the day today
like a scarf
(But not because it’s cold
’cause it’s not)
I feel I could wear the day and
the wind would wrap it around and around me’I feel I could wear the day
I feel I could wear the day today
Like a scarf
and dance it
Yellow with a fringe or two of blue

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister at St. Andrew's, Quebec City, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.