Hugs, Family and Facebook


I bought a new suitcase today! And I really don’t intend to travel anywhere but I had given my old one to granddaughter Andrea when she was at the house recently.  When I asked her if she could use any of my clothes (she’s a small person like myself), she actually took some of them…mostly jackets and stuff I used to wear to the office, but she has a weakness for things “pink” and actually arrived in one of my pink t-shirts she had taken home with her last time.

Grandchildren are such a joy.   They take me out of my “Mother” box and recognize me as a real person.  The listen to my stories of “their mom” and laugh along with me and they actually WANT my “china” dishes.

My grandson Mike and family are now out east.  I miss them but recently daughter Lyn put me on “Facebook” so now I can watch the great grandchildren grow up.They change so fast.  They were so small when they left and now the photos I get show them pedaling their little tricycles around the parking lot.

Facebook enticed me to be friends with a lot of people but I decided against that, especially when I was asked to be a friend of the business establishment that had made my kitchen cupboards…that was a bit much.

I look at the list of friends my grandchildren have….I’m fifty years older and haven’t collected half so many friends.

But friends are precious.  I am not shy of telling them that and giving them a hug.   Usually I get a hug back.  Some are a bit shyer.

One Sunday our minister insisted on us staid Presbyterians actually moving into a different pew that morning.   We were a little disgruntled but did as he asked.   Even the choir participated…I couldn’t see a thing from the back row.

On exiting the Sanctuary I told our minister that if he really wanted to do something different that instead of shaking hands with me he could give me a hug!

He looked a bit taken back, but he did give me a hug.  That’s a first!

God sends lots of hugs my way.   Two articles of mine got published in New Hope for widows/widowers, recently; my neighbour gave me a slice of salmon loaf for supper and the bread pudding I made this afternoon was pretty good.

Hugs come in many varieties…the graciousness of a granddaughter; feasting on a friend’s salmon loaf, and the thought that maybe I WILL pack up me, my new hip and that new suitcase one day and hit the road again.  It has been a blessed day…just full of hugs!