Much to Learn

Free Education
Sometimes people just want to learn. They don’t need to earn a special degree. They don’t intend to qualify for a particular career outside of their present field. They just want to learn. And so, for a while now the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been giving away free education. On their official website you can download complete courses, including audio and video of lectures. There are literally hundreds of undergraduate and even graduate level classes on everything from Introduction to Psychology to Experimental Aerospace Dynamics. Why? Because education is important. It’s a great idea. And the idea is spreading. Now you can take classes from seminaries, too. Liberty has them, Reformed Theological, too. So does Covenant. In fact, so many courses are available to us from so many different schools that the good folks at Geeky Search created a search page so you can type in the kind of course you’d like to take and it will try and find it for you. The real question is: What do you want to learn?
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Hilarious Lutherans
The people over at Lutheran Satire have done it again. Those darned little Irishmen, Donall and Conall only want poor Saint Patrick to explain the Trinity to them. I know, I know. You have no idea what nonsense I’m spouting. But you will! Trust me, Patrick. Just watch this video and you will not be disappointed. Go on now, Patrick. Yeah, Patrick. Give it a try, Patrick.

Church for Atheists
It’s all pretty simple. According to their website: “The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrate life. Our motto: live better, help often, wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: a godless congregation in every town, city and village that wants one.” There are already five Sunday Assemblies meeting in England, some more in Australia and three more have very recently popped up in the United States. They are growing and they are spreading fast. By the end of next year, there will apparently be 30 more of them. Oh, plus their community gatherings, likened to a travelling roadshow. Comedians and cofounders Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans “facilitate” these gatherings, and while they’ve only just started, there are over 300 people and counting “while the church across the street waits for three people to trickle in.” So what does it look like? Well, they sing songs together, they listen to a lecture, listen to readings and skits, do community and social work and share “tea and cake.” To them, “it’s all the best parts of church.”
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About bradleychilds

Rev. Bradley Childs is minister at First, Regina.