Why I Love My Bible Study Group

For over six years now I have led “A different kind of Bible Study” group at my home. The group  started at the Church but as my husband became ill we had to move it to the house.  Actually it has worked very well there and everyone seems to enjoy the lay-back experience of going into the kitchen, grabbing their coffee and treat and heading back to the living room.

I supply the coffee for the 12 of us (although I do see a new tin sitting on the counter occasionally), and they bring the treats, and once in a while the serviettes.  I once commented that widows still have to pay utilities, rent etc. and the only savings widows make in keeping their living quarters for one person, is in toilet paper.  Next week there were four rolls of toilet paper on the counter too.

My ladies have a sense of humor.

Friday’s message discussed one of Max Lucado’s stories about Matthew 25: 36 etc.” I was without clothes and you gave me something to wear….etc.”  It reminds us of how when we reach out to others we are reaching out to God.

As usual we had a good discussion and called it quits at 11:30 a.m. I usually end with a prayer.  We have a little basket and in it I pretend to put all our concerns and our thanks and I present it to the Lord.

This Friday I also presented to him, our grief that our local Salvation Army storage area had been hit my arson.  After the prayer I told the ladies I would put the basket on the dining room table and they might like to throw in a loonie or two. I would take it down to the Salvation Army Church later.

After they left and my kitchen was cleaned I remembered the basket and went to retrieve it.  I could not believe my eyes. It was filled with money…fives, tens, twenty’s.  When I added it up it came to $132.33.  I wept.  Those beautiful ladies, mostly widows well over 75 years had truly given from the heart.

Sometimes we are shy in asking help from others…people have generous hearts…of course they do…they have a perfect example in the Lord and they are all His children.