The Lord’s Plans Are Best

I was back at my old church yesterday.  It’s like going to “Grandma’s house”…full of memories but not having much impact on your present day life.

I do have lots of good memories though…wonderful old friends who still welcome me when I drop in to support their “Fall” suppers (they support ours too).  Memories of my little girls in their Junior Choir and loads of memories of a challenging C.G.I.T. group that insisted on painting their meeting room, purple…and we let them, what harm could it do?

When I chose Forbes Presbyterian over twenty years ago I was so warmly welcomed I knew I would love my new church home and family.  It was smaller, more intimate and my husband’s deep, but somewhat concealed faith, slowly exposed itself and he became a member.

On the Sunday of his acceptance into the church, I as a Ruling Elder greeted him (and the other new members) with a handshake but he was the only one who got a kiss and a very warm hug from me.  My dream of many years had been realized.

Sometimes we wonder why things work out the way they do, but as the years slip by and reflections on past experiences becomes greater, we see God’s signature on so many things.

Coincidence is a word I seldom use anymore.  For example, my “Snowbird” neighbor returned home from the States a few days ago.  Forty-eight hours later she was visiting next door when the lady she was visiting suddenly collapsed.  An ambulance was on the scene quickly.

How can one explain that kind of miracle?  If it had happened forty-eight hours prior, the woman would have been alone.  A coincidence?  I think not.

As my earthly life slips by I am more and more amazed over God’s timing.  He knows what our needs are and when those needs have to be satisfied.

Patience is not a virtue on my short list of attributes but I am finding there is more peace in my life in saying “I asked for guidance, I did all I possibly could…now Lord it is up to you.”

What happens may not be my solution but invariably God has the last word and it is always the best.