
Prayer:  Great God,  help me see You in everyone that I meet this day.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

Read James 2: 5-11

This is the next advice section from James.  Love others as you love yourself.    Don’t discriminate against the poor nor favour the rich.  Remember that God loves us equally.  Being called “Christians” in the early Church (and today) brings with it a faithfulness to helping all of God’s people.  The early Church in Acts looked around them and began pooling their resources to help the widows,  the young, and the poor.

How does the Church you attend  help  the widows, the young, and the poor?

Prayer:   Christ, as I go about my work today,  be with me in all that I say and all that I do.  May I see You in everyone that I meet.   In Your name I pray.  Amen.