
by Jody Malm



Lying here, watching the cool crisp air rise from my breath. I know it has been a chilly night       (-10).  Ken climbs out of bed and proceeds to tuck the sleeping bags in all around me.  He chuckles, “don’t move, I will build a fire” and then climbs out of the tent.  With my toque on, the sleeping bag tightly wrapped around me, I drift back off to sleep.  I hear the faint chopping of the wood, breaking of ice.  Mm the coffee pot is filling and I know sometime soon it will be perking on the fire.  I am completely safe and secure, wrapped in a blanket of love.  I am taken care of.  What comfort!

This is how I feel about House Church.  From the moment I walk through the door, you are greeted by smiles, a hug, a hello, how are you?  I feel the fruit of the spirit, love: for my house church family, peace: a time to be quiet, joy: raising our voices in song, kindness: being pleasant, faithfulness: standing firm with each other, goodness: being true to one another, gentleness: touching and listening from the heart, longsuffering: never giving up and self-control: allowing God to enter our heart and be in control.  All the while, we are safe.  We are secure.  We are taken care of.  What comfort!

This is how I feel about God.  From the moment we let God into our heart, we are greeted with open arms.  Smiles, a hug, a hello, how are you?  Most of all we are greeted with “I love you” and next “Unconditionally.”  Can you imagine?  I can’t, but I try!  But I do know that, I am safe, secure and taken care of . . . in good times and rough, no matter what.  What comfort!

And when I have moments of doubt, thank goodness there is Grace . . . God’s Grace!