I’d Rather Have Jesus

I awoke this morning to hear someone on the radio say that his mother “had Jesus” and he “had Led Zeppelin.”

Needless to say I woke in a hurry and with an argument already on my lips.

I have no idea who the celebrity being interviewed was and I am sure he was sincere but I felt it was not a mature statement.

I love music and it has played an enormous role in my life but there has to be a time when we lay aside childish things.  And of course music can play a role in your mature life too but by then you recognize what its place is. Sure, I loved those old tunes and the soloists that made them so popular but I eventually put them away and realized that music has its own little place in my store of memories, but it doesn’t take up all the space.

I recently read a real-life story of a lady who was very involved in the upbeat music in her church.  When she could no longer participate due to health reasons she realized that she had made a God out of the music …much like we worship the creation instead of the Creator.

We laugh at stories of early civilizations which had many gods and yet I am afraid we do too and certainly this young man did.  I can’t imagine what will happen as life becomes difficult and he has no one to pray to, to cry to, to express thanks to, except Led Zeppelin…tragic!

But one thing this early morning conversation did for me was make me look closely to the things I too have perhaps misplaced a value on.

I asked this question of my bible study ladies…”What is the most meaningful thing in your life?” Of course, family, friends, the Church etc. were at the top of the list but I think “Relationships” head the list…we all want to love and be loved.  My radio friend may “love” Led Zeppelin but I doubt if Led Zeppelin loves him back…and there lies the tragedy in the whole relationship.

Jesus offers us the best relationship we can have with anyone…like Rhea F. Miller’s song says…” I’d rather have Jesus than silver and gold”…My radio celebrity’s mother who “had Jesus” certainly chose wisely when she chose Jesus as the God she would worship.