Thursday – Get serious!

Prayer:  Great God,  You surround us with Your love each day.   Your surround us with Your joy each day.  You surround us with Your wisdom each day.  We give You thanks and praise!  Amen.

Read James 4: 1-2

Get Serious.  Now James is coming to the pinnacle of his advice.  If James were preaching these same verses to us today,  he would probably have his finger out admonishing us for being  slow witted.  Think.  Always think.  And think upon God first and upon our wants last.

James states in this portion of scripture that we each want our own way.  And when we forget about the needs of others and push our own wants first,  then quarrels and fights break out.

Today let us think upon God first and upon our wants last.

Prayer:  God of peace and of reconciliation,  help us  this day  to open our eyes to Your work so that we may be Your peace and Your reconciliation to all peoples.   Amen.