Thursday, January 30, 2014 — Hope

This is a painting by Peter who just turned 13 and from our church family. For the second year in a row Peter was our “In Resident Advent Artist”. We asked him to paint the themes of each Sunday of Advent. This was entitled “Hope”. I love to engage the artists in our community to help us experience God outside the normal realm of church talk and church language. Peter did so in 2012 and last year again he asked if he could once more paint for us. Of course I said yes.

What I love about this painting is the lighthouse on the island sending out its beam of lights to passing ships directing them to safe waters and safe passage. Church needs to be like this but we have not always done such a great job. We can often be overly concerned about numbers and budgets and buildings and don’t always do well in the people part in how we listen to their stories, in how we tell our stories, in how we allow God’s light to be a beacon to people who walk in darkness.

I love being a minister…I leave the budgets and buildings and number counting to others. I love to hear stories, to sing, to welcome, to journey with people. I love to meet people, whether it be in our church, in their homes, out in coffee shops, in shelters…wherever my day takes me and I try and be a beacon of light that exudes joy and hope and love and peace. Some days I am better than other days but I try each day to be aware of how God wants to shine through me. Each day my intent is to be God’s lighthouse. And so as we rise this Sabbath morning, embracing the light of a new day, this is my prayer:
O Holy One,
I greet the light of your Son this day
that broke through the darkness of the tomb.
May people see your love shine through me this day.
Strengthen me this day to walk in faith. Amen!

About Jeff Doucette

Rev. Jeff Doucette is a United Church minister living in Pickering, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.