Sunday- a community at prayer

All churches must have living healthy community in order to grow.  Today in Church we are handing out  tea bags and a prayer.   While this gift is for Valentine’s  Day,  it gives the Church one portion of maintaining a healthy community…. prayer!


Valentine’s  Day  Gift and Prayer


Inside this envelop is a gift just for you

To use as you please with a cup of hot water or two

As you sit and enjoy this cup of fine tea

Remember to also say a prayer to Thee.


Prayer:    Loving God  we come to You this

day with love in our hearts and warmth in our

souls.   We offer up to You today love for

our family and friends……  surround our family

and our friends with Your loving care and joy.

Loving Faithful God,  we  thank You for those who

have pointed us towards You on our faith journey.

May Your love shine upon them this day.

Loving Redeeming God,  we ask that You create

a clean heart in those who have authority so that

they may lead Your people in mercy and justice,

peace and love.      Loving Sustaining God,  be

with those today who are weak and in need of Your

precious love.   In all that we do and all that we say

this day O Lord,  may we boldly go forth

and  share Your love.  May Your loving will be

done  this day.   In Jesus’ name we pray.
