Ministry Assignment: Go Dance

Women of the North May 2013 (31)This week’s ministry tasks:  work on statistical forms; prepare for worship; prepare discussion for Circle of Hope; renew police record check as a school volunteer; dance.  Yup! Go dance!  I have to say, that the last task was probably by far the most enjoyable.  In the Cariboo, particularly in the First Nations ministry portion called the Nazko and Area Dakelh Outreach (NADO) we put an emphasis on the ministry of incarnation.  We seek to be the presence of Jesus in the lives of the people here.  So, this week, that meant going to the Valentine’s Day family dance organized at the Friendship Centre in Quesnel.

We entered the building from the parking lot right behind our church elder, Doreen.  A couple of guys from Ndazkoh were waiting behind the door and jumped out at her and scared her, thinking that Jon would be coming through the door first.  We came into the building already engaged in banter and laughter.  The band was playing loudly and after greeting a few people we found some seats at a table at the side of the dance floor.  The bass player caught sight of us and waved as he played. Little kids came up to say hi and give us hugs and one was determined to see us get up and dance.  When I suggested (through hand gestures as it was too loud to talk over the music) that she dance with Jon, she made a face and disappeared quickly!  We did manage to get up and dance soon after that and won a lemon meringue pie for a spot dance!  Who says you can personally benefit from ministry?

The evening was filled with laughter and greetings shouted over the music, and quick visits in the brief lulls between songs.  We watched the kids dancing with parents and one another, elders up dancing with younger people and aunties walking the floor holding new babies.  We worked our way around the room interacting with almost everyone and feeling very much a part of the gathered Dakelh family.  I wonder if that is how Jesus felt at the wedding at Cana.  Glad to be a part of the festivities and fun, bringing God’s joy and laughter and blessing to the mix.

Being able to laugh and dance and frolic with people is what opens the door to deeper relationship and ministry.  In the midst of it all I was able to share an opportunity to go to camp with some women, hoping that they would be excited to come and meet Jesus.  One woman shared with me her need for prayer as her cancer, which she had beaten a few years ago, was back.  In the relative quiet between songs I was able to pray with her on the spot for God’s healing in her life and body.

God never wastes opportunities. God opened the door for us to go to the dance (by needing a trip to town for parts for our hot water tank) and so we went to dance.  The presence of Jesus goes with us wherever we are. Where Jesus is, ministry happens.  Way better than filling out statistical forms!