Monday – Pray, Sing, Anoint, Forgive, Heal

Prayer:  Great God,  may I be joyful in You this day.  May I serve You with gladness and come into Your presence with singing.  I know You, O Lord, and You know me.  You made me and I am Yours.  Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  Forever. Amen.

Read James 5: 13-16

And now James answers the question of “but how can we get ready”?   Pray.  Sing (which is also prayer). Oil of Anointing by Elders.  Forgive.  Heal.   James doesn’t give the list to keep us in a box with stringent rules.  James knows that through the death of Christ we have already been forgiven our sins and given eternal life.   James gives this list to the Christian community,  and to us  saying, “you can be so much more in your life.  You can do so much more for God by  doing these things.”

Today  take one of the highlighted words —  reflect upon that word all day long  then let us use our reflections to help others.

Prayer:  For You are good O Lord,  You love is everlasting. Your constancy endures from generation to generation.  Glory be to You O Lord.  Amen.