Tuesday – those who have left the Church

As the deer longs for running streams of water, so do I long for You O God.  With my whole being I thirst for God, the God of my life.   Amen.

Read James 5: 17-20

Throughout the Epistle of James,  the author has given the Christian Community food for thought.  Here he leaves the Christian Community with one last thought.  New Christians were getting frustrated with the Christian community.   People were leaving  the Christian community and denying the truth and turning away from God.   Never write these people off says James.  Don’t give up on them.  Keep them in your prayers.


Prayer:   God of all Healing,   we lift up to You today those who have gotten frustrated with Your Church here on earth and those who no longer attend Church.    Provide for us the strength and wisdom to go visit with those who have left the Church so that they know of Your love.   Holy God,  open our ears to their cries and their words so healing can begin in Your name.   In all things,  we ask this in the name of Jesus,  Your Son our Lord.   Amen.