Sunday, February 23, 2014 — Remembering

As the snow continues to fall here in Philadelphia, I think of all who have no place to go. Though many will cram into shelters on this “code blue” evening, there will be many others who will sleep in the cold. Thus far this winter, we have had three people die in the cold, on the street.

Tonight I share a photo of where people sleep and keep their possessions on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, an area that also gives claim the art museums, and the well-know Franklin Institute. Often, folks must leave their things to go into the shelter, resulting in having everything they own either lost, stolen, or dumped by the police.

For at least a year after I begun this work, I could not get into my very comfortable bed at night without thinking about all those I left on the street. Now, each night as I lay down to sleep, a prayer for my parishioners gets triggered in my heart.

Please pray with me this night:
For all who are cold
with no place to offer warmth

For all who are tired
with no place to lay their heads

For all who are lonely or afraid
not knowing they are loved

For all who have lost hope
and need to see your face, O God

We pray, too, that we might share what we have been given
with angels in our midst
and to know always
not “there but for the grace of God goes I”
but there goes I
and there goes you.

and may a quiet rest be granted to all
in the name of the One
who cradles us in Love. Amen.

About Violet Cucciniello Little

Rev. Violet Cucciniello Little is minister of the Welcome Church, a church without walls in Philadelphia. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.