The Pope and a Parrot

Online Videos
Blimey Cow is a podcast and YouTube channel created by brothers Josh and Jordan Taylor. Basically, it’s the musings and skits of the Taylor family and friends who take a satirical look at the conservative church. The target audience is clearly high school – and college – aged Christians from evangelical backgrounds. Most of the bits (like “Seven Lies About Homeschoolers” and “10 Ways to Get a Girl to Like You”) reflect this. However, the show does at times move beyond the surface and has even tackled topics like the relevance of short – term mission trips, arrogance in Christianity and the pitfalls of contemporary worship. If you’ve never watched the Taylors before, check out “I Like You in Real Life (But Not on the Internet).”
Find it @

Reality TV
Rev. Run from the early rap group Run – DMC (and brother of Def Jam Records’ co – founder Russell Simmons) is arguably one of the most influential people in modern music history. Oh, and he’s also an ordained minister in the Pentecostal Church. Run is basically a prosperity gospel preacher telling people that God wants to bless them with the life he himself lives—complete with a mansion and Rolls Royce. His Twitter account feeds me feel – good one – liners every day. And he has a reality television show called Run’s House. Normally I’d leave our relationship at the 140 – characters mark but something happened in the show that makes it worth watching: Run’s daughter was born. At just under five pounds, she also had a condition that caused her organs to grow on the outside of her body. She didn’t make it. The network wanted to shut it down, but the family thought it was important to show the world how a Christian family honestly deals with tragedy. The cameras kept running.
Find it @ Search for “Run’s House” and check your local listings for program times.

Five Interesting Things about Pope Francis
Most of the stuff travelling around social media about Pope Francis is just not accurate, and many of the things written about the man in popular magazines get it wrong, too, because they really don’t understand what he’s saying. But the facts are simple: He’s against ordination of women. He’s still anti – abortion. He’s still against same – sex marriages (he calls for celibacy instead). Divorced and remarried Roman Catholics are not to receive Communion. Still, there are a lot of interesting things about the Pope:
• The Pope blessed a stripper’s parrot
• The Pope called abortion “horrific”
• The Pope was once a bouncer and reportedly joined the priesthood because he was rejected by a girl
• Your mom and the Pope agree: wasting food is like stealing from the poor
•The Pope calls for priests not to reject baptizing the children of unwed mothers

About bradleychilds

Rev. Bradley Childs is minister at First, Regina.