Sunday, March 2, 2014 — Ten Touchstones

For my final posting, I’d like to share what I call “The Ten Touchstones of the Wild Soul.” They are guiding principles to help us live in a manner that can help all of live to thrive. I’d love to hear your responses.

The Ten Touchstones of the Wild Soul

1. I feel my own flesh and the flesh of the Earth as one. In harming the Earth, I cause myself harm; in caring for the Earth, I care for myself.
2. I honor the Earth as a primary source of spiritual revelation.
3. I treat the Earth and all her inhabitants as relations to be honored and celebrated.
4. I open myself to the wild and creative energy of the Earth that seeks unique expression through me.
5. I respect the Earth’s finite physical constraints while embracing the boundlessness of my spiritual nature.
6. I take regular breaks from technology and the human-built world in order to reconnect with nature and my own wild soul.
7. I bring a listening spirit to the Earth, recognizing that all beings are sacred and hold essential wisdom.
8. I protect, celebrate, and seek intimacy with the place on Earth in which I make my home.
9. I believe that a shift in consciousness, rather than advances in technologies, is the principal means to overcoming our planetary crisis.
10. I attend to the wisdom of deserts, forests, oceans and rivers, mountains, and grasslands as I continue to learn that to be wholly human is to be wild.
[From “Reclaiming the Wild Soul,” White Cloud Press, October 2014]

About Mary Reynolds Thompson

Mary Reynolds Thompson is a writer, life coach and facilitator of poetry and journal therapy, helping others live from their deeper, wilder, more creative selves. She is author of Embrace Your Inner Wild: 52 Reflections for an Eco-Centric and Reclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth's Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.