Preparations for Lent

It seems funny in a way to prepare for Lent as it is a season of preparation itself. Nevertheless we prepare to prepare. We think of fasts or projects to participate in. We dream of pancakes or packzis to devour. We think of what is to come and hopefully plan ways in which to dig deeper and delve more fully into our faith.

In my planning this year I contemplated preparing another Lent Project similar to the one I did last year. I decided against it as I found myself in a different space this year being very pregnant, tired and perhaps needing more than I could give. I decided instead to do the original Lent Project again. It’s been a full year since doing it and I find myself wondering if my notes this year will say something different, if God will use my studies this year to teach me something new. That is of course my hope!

Lent is a difficult season. Jesus is a man filled with passion and promise. He provokes thought and confusion within us as we see him sacrifice so much, as we watch him surrender when he could have triumphed over all. Triumph he does, just not in a way we could have foreseen if we had been there. Jesus is full of surprises and wisdom. It is my hope that in participating in this 47 day study that I may be surprised once more, challenged in new ways and find a different sort of Lent than I might otherwise have experienced.

I invite you to join me. Bring your Bible and any other necessary comforts you require. Some chocolate might be nice as lets face it, there’s no fasting happening here! Instead of giving something up, you’ll be adding God into your everyday and that is a very good thing. It’s not about what you’ve sacrificed so much as what you’re doing for your relationship with God and how you’re building yourself in faith. It could be a very interesting experience!

You’re welcome to join me and journey through Lent on this project. You can find the study here in a downloadable PDF format.

P.S. If you’re in the mood for pancakes can I suggest one of the following recipes. They are all delicious!  

The definitive healthy whole grain pancake
Whole Grain Pancakes
Buttermilk Pancakes