Tuesday, March 4, 2014 — Confession

Confession – ugh.

When I hear the word it conjures up an idea of something I am never excited about doing – telling God all the bad stuff I’ve done, feeling guilty, thinking how I could remedy the scene, etc. In seconds, I revert back to that little girl who had to stand in the corner once we got home from church because I didn’t behave.

Awful, definitely not fun. Living a life of faith is not often fun. It is often a life where we are called to be uncomfortable, to get introspective and reflect on how we can serve God better. The beauty is that God does not always call us to “behave” and God loves us deeply in spite of our behavior. Confessing is an opportunity to cleanse oneself. Release what is separating us from being all that God wants us to be in this world. So, I shake off my corner memory and ask you to join me in confession.

Father/Mother God, I am sorry.
I am sorry for letting things come between us.
For giving weight to things that really don’t matter because they are not based in You. In my actions, I have been hasty and angry.
In my words, I have been harsh and uncaring.
In my thoughts, awful things come to my head that should make me ashamed.
I am Your child and I forget that blessing.
I throw it on the ground, like a piece of gum that has lost its flavor.
I am weak and need you sweet One.
I need Your Guidance, Your Patience, Your unending understanding and Grace that continually welcomes me home.
I don’t deserve You but I deeply need You.
Please turn me towards You in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions.
In Your Loving name I pray, Amen.