
Psalm 32: 8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Teaching and instructing is a gift.   As we teach and instruct (and mentor 🙂  we always learn more about the subject than  probably the student will learn.    Teaching and instructing is a double gift.     While we teach,  we also learn.    Last week I was giving a presentation on the Battle of Vimy Ridge to an Army Cadet Corps.    This is the same Corps that many years ago,  I was involved with doing Administration and Supply.   Imagine my surprise when I heard one of the Cadets I had taught,  teaching a new Cadet how to wear his beret.     My surprise was that the older Cadet was using the same words and same actions that I had taught to him.    So,  if people remember what they are taught by instruction…. what do people remember by our actions?   We also teach through our examples and our actions.      Some scholars call this secondary teaching.   But no matter what it is called,  we teach through our voice,  our actions, and our examples.

Today as we sit in Church,  how will we be instructed and taught of the love of God?    How will God instruct and teach you today?


Prayer:  Thank You God that You instruct us and teach us and watch over us each and every day.  Amen.