Young and Not so Young

This week I wanted to share with you the perspective of two people in our house church ministry.  Mark Carter is pursuing studies for ministry and is certified by the Presbytery of Kamloops.  GinnyLou Alexander is one of our lay missionaries who helps lead the ministries to seniors and their families at Carefree Manor in 100 Mile House. I hope you are inspired by what God is doing through the young and with the not so young!

A Call to Ministry

House Church gathering 2013 (7) - CopyBy Mark Carter

My journey into student candidacy for ministry began when I asked Dave Webber what the next step was for me in pursuing what I felt God was calling me to.  A little paperwork and a sub-committee interview later had me on the right road.  That was during winter/spring of 2013.  Since then I have been pursuing an undergraduate degree at Thompson Rivers University in Williams Lake.  I will be moving on to another university to complete my degree.  My educational goal is to complete a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Sociology and then go on to graduate studies at a seminary; Regent seminary in Vancouver being my current choice. When I have completed my studies there, I would like to return to the Cariboo to engage in house church ministry.  I have been part of a house church in McLeese Lake for over ten years now and I see the benefits of this type of church.  I want to continue this ministry in any way possible and eagerly look forward to what God has in store for this jar of clay (2 Corinthians 4:7).


Carefree Manor Chapel Service

By  Ginny Alexander



“For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”             (Isa. 9:6)

Week by week at 2:00 PM, the precious folk at Carefree Manor gather in the fireside room to hear a message of God’s love for them through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Especially meaningful during the advent season were the use of the advent wreath and the exploration of the ways Christ brings hope, love, joy and peace into the lives of those who have come to faith in Him.  He is the Wonderful Counselor, both God and human, who by his wonderful birth, life, death and resurrection gives us the hope of everlasting life.  He is the Mighty God who, in his great love, imparts to us his wisdom, strength, power, and saving grace; who is able to save us to the uttermost.  “The joy of the Lord is our strength,” (Nehemiah 8:10). He is Everlasting Father, one with the Father, “the author and perfecter of our faith . . .” (Hebrews 12:2).  He is the Prince of Peace- our peace; it is his peace that both keeps the hearts of us, his people, and rules in them.

One of the highlights of the year was a Christmas pageant and carols put on by my students and friends on the afternoon of December 22nd.  There were fifteen children (and some of their parents and grandparents) who participated in the group singing, sang solos and a duet.  Some also recited the the poem, “Once There Was a Snowman”, and led a Readers Theatre entitled, “Baa, Baa Humbug (Have you any wool?)” written by Linda Piepenbrink.  The program was followed by a time of refreshments and visiting.  A most enjoyable time was had by all!