Tuesday, March 11, 2014 — Friends

Friends. Sometimes all you need is a friend. During this lovely time of Lent we reflect on what means the most to us and we think about things that we have that other people don’t have the privilege of having. Friends are people that everyone has. Whether it’s the new people you meet today or some one you have known since you were 2 years old, friends are a vital part of your life.

In 1 Samuel 18:1-3, the Bible says true and lasting friendship can occur suddenly.

Today I have a challenge for all of you: smile at someone you don’t know. For two reasons:
1) smiles are contagious 
2) your smile could be the only one someone gets today!

Friends are like the light at the end of the tunnel; when you are in the dark they are the thing that can guide you in the right direction if you have the right friends who will love and support you. People often wonder what the key to happiness is; I see happiness when I look at my friends laughing and hanging out with each other.

Question for discussion: what do you define happiness as?

As a way to lead out I have a simple prayer:

Dear Lord,
Please guide us through this day and keep us safe and happy today as we smile at those people who may need a smile or one of our friends. Lord allow us to keep food company with those around us and keep us in your wonderful life. Allow us to be forgiven if needed and allow us to be honest in all the days to come. We pray for people who are hurting and who are sick. Let us live in your holy world happily. This we ask in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Amen!

At the top is a photo is of myself and a lovely group of friends I met at an youth event in our church’s conference. These people will always be there for me if I need them and I will always be there for them, there are my friends but they are also my family.

About Cassie Turner

Cassie Turner is a Sunday school teacher at Woodslee United Church in Woodslee, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.