Wednesday – living a life worthy of God

Colossians 1: 10    May you live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God….

What a neat blessing Paul gave to the community of Colossai.    May you live a life worthy of the Lord.  This is  a phrase that we all need to repeat to ourselves each day.    Especially as we stand in the grocery line up and get cranky when the waiting seems to take too long….  or  trying to find the energy to do all the tasks one has set for themselves.   Live a life worthy of the Lord.    And a life lived with God also bears fruit AND increases one’s knowledge of God.  How neat is that.        Today in our community,  St Matthew’s  Anglican Cathedral hosts  Lenten Noon Hour worship with a free lunch after worship.   Over the five years we’ve been living in Brandon,  it is interesting to be part of this  once a year worship community.    Getting to know people from the various Churches and getting to hear of their lives certainly is a great guide to living life worthy of the Lord.  Gathering together for Lenten Worship is a great “aaaaah”  part of this day and week 🙂

How do we live a life worthy of God and please God in every way?


Prayer:   Almighty God,  we offer up to You today our prayers,  the reading of Your Most Holy Word,  and our meditations upon You.  Amen.