Saturday, March 15, 2014 — Moments

No matter what you believe,
If you believe in God,
He will always be there for you,
In days of doubt,
In days of joy,
He will always be there.

Today we should focus on the moments in our lives. The moments that leave us wondering what would have been different if we changed our mind, as well as the moments that we say “yeah, I made the right choice!” Moments are what we live for. God will be with us each hour of every day, through the good and bad we can always turn to him. Please look for at least one moment in each day that you can look back on and be happy.

Dear God, thank you for our moments of life and triumph, the moments of doubt and shame, which make us better people for learning from our mistakes. We ask you to give us strength to see many more moments within our own lives and within others as well! We ask for your eternal love in the name of Jesus. Amen.

About Cassie Turner

Cassie Turner is a Sunday school teacher at Woodslee United Church in Woodslee, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.