A Gift Refused

Recently I was given a gift of money from some friends…friends who are not particularly well off and so I knew it was a sacrificial gift.  The money was for a non-profit agency.

I phoned and made an appointment…and showed up only to find the person who was to receive the money had been called away.  Apologies were made and I returned home.

Several days later I set up another appointment and away I drove, eager to give this gift of money that had fallen into my hands.

And again the recipient had been called away to an emergency.

These were all legitimate cancellations and I really wasn’t put out. I have made another appointment and hopefully this gift I have will finally be in the hands it was meant for.

Actually, God and I have had a good laugh over the whole affair.  He understands as he has been going through the same process for a long, long time.

He has this beautiful gift of eternal life that he wants to give us.  His Son gave up his earthly life so we could have it and yet we keep refusing to accept it.

I think our refusals seem legitimate at the time … i.e.: I have kids to raise, my life is too full; I’m just getting my business established, the church will have to wait; I’m just a teenager, I went to Sunday school, but that church stuff doesn’t interest me right now.

The list is endless.  Then you find out that life is not endless…a spouse dies; a grandchild is ill; you are ill and suddenly all you have worked for…the house, the car, the security, is no longer viable.  Suddenly life is only about you and God.

He has been so patient and again he offers this unbelievable gift of love…eternal life.  If you have put it on the back burner for the future maybe it’s time to accept His offer.

I hope my non-profit recipient is there tomorrow when I walk through their doors with this sacrificial gift of money and I hope you too will consider accepting this special gift God wants to share with you.