Tissues and Bits

Most of us have experienced that disgust we feel when we open the washing machine and realize we have left a tissue in a pocket somewhere.  Those little bits cling to everything and you are picking them out of your laundry load for the next week.

It reminds me of oatmeal.  I like oatmeal but it invariably boils over in the microwave when I cook it there and trying to clean up the sticky left-over is a trial.  Before I am finished I have washed the inside of the microwave, the counter, the dish and myself.

The errors of my ways, often appear the same way…hidden until some incident burps them up and there they are again accusing me.

I am clumsy. I think I have shared this with others before, but yesterday I knocked over an enormous bowl of popcorn.  I vacuumed right after but missed lots of bits that will continue to haunt me…reminding me again that multitasking is not my strong point.  At the time of the popcorn incident, I was trying to put up a TV table.

Those things drive my ladies group crazy. I store them under the sofa (chesterfield is such a long word to type), and the girls pull them out every Friday for Bible Study, and Wednesday afternoon when we have movies here.

I should take a movie of them…they never seem to get the hang of putting the legs and the table top together, first time around. Anyway last Friday I was doing it and got one of the legs in the bowl of popcorn. What a mess!

I won’t be laughing at those ladies anymore.

It reminds me of little sins…if there is such a thing. Unkind words, impatience, pride and just plain stubborness. They seem to find their way into all aspects of my life and like the tissue bits, they show up even after I think I have placed them all in the garbage can.

Worse of all, they are sins I often see in others…forgetting to take the log out of my own eye.

Thank you Lord for your continuing patience with me and for the grace you offer to this child of yours, on a daily basis.  Amen.