Wednesday, April 2, 2014 — Controlling Comets

Let us listen deep to Howard Thurman as he tells us this story. What prayer arises in you after you read it? Please write on the comment box below. Thank you.

“One night I was awakened by my mother, who asked if I would like to see the comet. I got up, dressed quickly, and went out with her to the back yard. There I saw in the heavens the awesome tail of the comet and stood transfixed. With deep anxiety I asked, without taking my eyes off it, ‘What will happen to us when that thing falls out of the sky?’ There was a long silence during which I felt the gentle pressure of her fingers on my shoulders; then I looked into her face and saw what I had seen on another occasion, when without knocking I had rushed into her room and found her in prayer. At last she said, ‘Nothing will happen to us, Howard. God will take care of us.’ In that moment something was touched and kindled in me, a quiet reassurance that has never quite deserted me. As I look back on it, what I sensed then was the fact that what stirred in me was one with what created and controlled the comet. It was this inarticulate awareness that silenced my fear and stilled my panic.”

An Excerpt from 40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman edited by Donna Schaper. Retrieved March 24 2014

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.