Tuesday, April 29, 2014 — Illusions

His name is Darcy Oake. He says he specializes in illusions. (And he’s Canadian). Today he had me thinking about my own illusions. And how over the years, Life has given me the gift of dis-illusionment.

In this season of dying and rising, perhaps we can look back at how clarity came back to us every time we had a glimpse of what was “behind the veil” and every time we found the courage to let go of an illusion we have been clinging to for security or comfort.

And you know I am talking about something other than doves.

Behold, thou lovest truth … therefore hast thou taught me wisdom in the secret of mine heart.
—Psalm 51:6, Geneva Bible, 1599

Yo sé que tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo; en lo secreto me has enseñado sabiduría. (Salmos 51:6)


About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online