Kids, Camp and Charity

Kid Snippets is a series from the YouTube channel, Bored Shorts TV. It was created by brothers Brett, David, John and Randy Roberts. And if you haven’t seen them, then you are quickly becoming the minority. They have 46 million views. Basically, it’s a few adults acting out little kids’ stories. I know it sounds like a huge waste of three minutes but I assure you… once you’ve seen a story about a penguin salesman that abruptly turns into a crime drama and then back again you will not be able to stop watching. What would kids think a blind date might be like? Find out! They are absolutely, mind – blowingly hilarious. And the only people who think they are funnier than I do are my kids.
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Charity is a charity for people in need. But not everyone is eligible. You have to be in need, but not in too much need. In their own words: “we empower members of the general public to make small, emergency grants to low – income workers who are at risk of slipping into poverty.” The point isn’t to help the homeless; it’s to solve emergencies that often lead to homelessness. The average grant they offer is about $750. The really cool part is that you get to pick where the money goes. Social workers, individuals and other charities can complete applications (and be vetted). Then they post their need. If you want to do some good you just go to “Browse Requests for Help” and look for the kinds of things you would like to do. You want to cover a month’s rent for a veteran whose workers’ compensation runs out one month before he gets back to work? Choose him. Pay the whole thing. Pay part. Pick something else. When the full cost of the modest need is covered, provides the grant and you are issued a tax receipt.
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Stephen Smith of is tracking your Twitter account. Well, sort of. He’s not the NSA but he is tracking the word “Lent” and has compiled the information from more than 100,000 people who tweeted about what they planned to give up for Lent. He collected all the data as of 1:30 a.m. on Ash Wednesday and posted it online. It’s interesting. Of course, not everyone is serious with their tweets. Quite a few people claimed to be giving up “religion” for Lent. “School” ranked very high on the list as well, as did “virginity.” And 256 people wrote that they were giving up “selfies.” I must admit, I hope the selfie people were serious and that next year both selfies and “making duck faces” take the top two spots. Chocolate of course still tops the list (with food in general being the main theme). But that is closely followed by various types of social media. If that’s not a sign of the changing times I don’t know what is. Nothing like posting “I’m giving up Twitter” on your Twitter account. Some are funny, some are serious and who knows, you might just get some ideas for next year.
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Holly and Carey Weebly have created the overly zealous article “63 Signs You Were a Summer Camp Counselor.” With that many signs, you’re bound to connect with one or two. For me it was #48: “You have participated in a camp – wide shaving cream fight that always ended in the bay.” I also like #23: “You feel like you know a lot about the military, even though you were probably never in it.”
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About bradleychilds

Rev. Bradley Childs is minister at First, Regina.