Thursday, May 15, 2014 — All My Moments

All My Moments

If God has given me all my moments,
I should not complain from this dark weighty well of worries…
But where is the calm, Oh God? Where is the peace? Where is the foothold?
Or the rescue bucket and rope?
I want to be half- filled at least, not half empty…
At least then I could climb out of this trust drought…
I want to reach up and out in love, to wait patiently with another once again.
So I breathe….I tread water…No – I do more than tread!
I wait and swim unceasingly.
You see, I found a Hope rock to stand on in my exhaustion…
God is my foothold.

About Carol Tippe

Carol Tippe is a community health nurse in Iowa City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online