Friday, May 16, 2014 — Mary Oliver Meets Plato

This poem, “Mary Oliver Meets Plato,” was written with love for Mary Oliver and also with love for a class of 30 persons over 80 years old who discussed with me their most sacred places on earth and gave me phrases that were crafted into this poem! Pray about your most sacred place on earth today!

Mary Oliver Meets PLATO

In this unexplainable moment, Mary Oliver comes to sit by PLATO’s side
At home and in the wild and wonderful garden
To sit in the sun with PLATO and Percy,
and watch the spider web undisturbed;
To remember where loved ones are,
and where they will remain;
To commune with the God of all nature.
The next time, Mary will meet PLATO at Machu Picchu after a harrowing journey,
Since both require healing in the solemn mystery of an ancient site.
Mary will call spontaneously with the time and date.
Be ready for silent wandering in sacred space.

About Carol Tippe

Carol Tippe is a community health nurse in Iowa City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online