Friday – qualities of Deacons and Elders

Great God, help me to  keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience this day and always.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Read 1 Timothy 3: 8-13

Ah.  Now we come to the list of qualities needed for those who are called to be Deacons.  Note that these are qualities not a job description.  This list of qualities and characteristics are for those who serve others and as some Scholars suggest, as those who help the Overseers.  Often when a  Presbyterian congregation is seeking Elders,  this is the scripture that is used.  These are not easy qualifications nor should they be.  To be an Elder means to serve God  by being worthy of respect, must be able to express what they believe and hold to that belief in the Christian faith, must be tested and approved,  and finally must have an irreproachable home life.

Dear LORD,  I keep all the Elders of the Church I attend in my prayers today. May they stand firm in their beliefs.  May they be worthy of respect not only in the Church but also in the community, and be with them when they are tested.    Enable them be amazing servants of Christ.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.