General Secretary Applies to Resign in 2015

Rev. Dr. Rick Fee is well known across the church in Canada and in churches and ecumenical organizations around the world. He was moderator of the 2004 General Assembly, has served with countless committees and councils, and for the past nine years has headed the Life and Mission Agency, a large national department that encompasses eight offices and a range of national and international mission and ministry work.

On May 23, he sent an email to his colleagues at the church’s national offices at 50 Wynford Drive in Toronto to share his intentions for the future. We share it here with his blessing:

I was ordained on May 26, 1976 in St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Killam, Alberta.  (That might be enough for you to ask questions and for me to tell some stories another time.)  I proceeded to Nigeria for the next 17 years.  In November, 1992 I returned to Canada to become Director of Presbyterian World Service and Development.  In September, 2005 I became General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency.

In those years there have been many people met and many events, much joy, much satisfaction.  God was gracious to me and gave me strength and insight in every assignment.  It has been a very good 38 years.

And in 2015, it will be 39 years.  It is my intention to submit my application to resign as General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency to this 2014 General Assembly to take effect at some point following the 2015 General Assembly.  I felt that this is information that should not be heard “on the fly” but that those with whom I work the closest should hear it before it is spread about.

I have appreciated, and I will continue to appreciate, working with the “50 Wynford staff”.  You are a great team.  We have faced severe challenges in the last few years but you have maintained your drive and enthusiasm and you produce resources and respond to requests which is what we are all asked to accomplish.

Thank you and I look forward to the next year and a half.