Monday, May 26, 2014 — Your House, O Lord

Your house, O Lord,
has no walls
no rooms for prayer
no attic for memories
no basement for secrets

Your house, Lord
is an opening
cut through the rocks of fear
carved out of layers of shield
all door, all window
all welcome.

This is a refuge:
a place of rest
a time of spirit
a garden of prayer

You do not protect or shelter us
from threats and danger
You sit with us, al fresco
outside our ordinary resistances

You meet us in the wine and bread
as friend, with song and story
You turn our refuge into a home to share.

—Wendy Jean MacLean

Where do you find refuge? Where are the openings in your life that make a home for God?

About Wendy MacLean

Rev. Wendy MacLean is minister at Christ United Church, Lyn, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online