Saturday, June 7, 2014 — Food

In the morning I try to “be good” and eat fruit that is good for my health. As years go by, I’ve become more and more interested in where this fruit, and all my food, comes from. Who grew the food I eat? how was it transported here? God of all peoples and all places, as we walk through your world today, help us become more aware and knowledgeable about the lives of all those people whose work contributes to our life and welfare. We are not alone, we share Your world with others, whose gracious contributions in so many ways create the lives we live. For all of these good gifts, make us thankful today. Amen.

About Jennifer Palin

Rev. Jennifer Palin is a minister in the United Church of Canada with a special interest in inter-cultural, inter-faith, and social justice ministry. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online