Sunday, June 8, 2014 — Ascension

We’ll be celebrating Jesus’ Ascension in my church. Whatever else we do, I hope we have moment of ascension within and among us, times when we can feel ourselves reaching up and out to larger vision and larger awareness of grace.

Ascending God, as we gaze at Jesus’ Ascension, may our eyes be drawn up to look higher than glittering stars, higher than rainbow coloured planets, higher still, in to galaxies and possibilities of life we have not yet been able to imagine, both within ourselves, among us, and throughout Your Creation. May our hearts and minds ascend with Jesus! Amen.

About Jennifer Palin

Rev. Jennifer Palin is a minister in the United Church of Canada with a special interest in inter-cultural, inter-faith, and social justice ministry. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online