Summer Ministry at Camp

This summer we have a few summer students and I want to highlight the ministries they are engaged in.  Last week we heard from our student intern Dianne Metuq.  We also are sending out a couple of students ourselves to different ministries.  This week we’ll hear from my own daughter – Joelle Wyminga who is volunteering at Ness Lake Bible Camp.

DSC_0704By Joelle Wyminga

This summer I will be returning to Ness Lake Bible Camp for my third year as a summer team volunteer staff member.  This year I will be in the position of Cabin leader.  I will get to spend my entire summer looking after cabins full of about 10 girls, hanging out with them, teaching different skills like drama and climbing and so much more.  I am so excited to be able to show the campers who God is and what he did for us.  Our job throughout the summer is just to be able to open the kids’ minds and teach them about our loving and generous God.  We are there to be there for them, and to make sure that they are shown that people love them and care about them no matter where they are from.  Ness Lake’s mission statement really sums up what we are there to do:  “To glorify God by making Jesus Christ known by word and deed through camping and conference programs.”   Even though it is hard work and I barely get any time off, and I will always have copious amounts of sand in my hair, I am so stoked to go back and show these kids love in every possible way.  While this is all happening I will be building strong relationships with the other staff members who I will be able to lean on, and support throughout the summer.  Last year I had the time of my life at camp, and I made some of the greatest friends that I have ever had.  One of the best feelings you can have is knowing that you have changed someone’s life, just by telling them about the love that God has for us.  If you are interested in what I am going to be doing this summer, and you just want to do something to help, the best thing you can do for me is to pray.  Pray that I would have guidance as to what God really wants me to focus on this summer, and that I will have patience with those cabins that are hard to handle.  Pray that while I am helping kids build relationships with God, that I would be building my relationship with God too.  In the fall, I will be going to Trinity Western University to work on earning my Bachelor of Arts with a major in Theatre.  Trinity is an amazing Christian school and I am so excited to be going there.  So, if you are interested in financially supporting me in my summer mission that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for you prayers and support, and have a wonderful summer.