Wednesday, June 25, 2014 — This is the Day

What are you up to today? I am curious, as we often read posted prayers, and spend time reflecting on them, and being silent in our ruminations. I would typically be spending up to three hours commuting to and from my charge. I live in Orleans, a suburb of Ottawa, and my charge is up the Ottawa River, in rural Quebec, a tale of contrasts. As I am on holiday, I am going to do a few chores, sit in my garden and read, if it’s not too hot out, (it’s 20 degrees C, and 83% humidity).

I was an Early Childhood Educator before I went into ministry, so love the children in our morning hymn.


Thank you God for this new day that you have made, hear us just shout Hallelujah and rejoice in it! Thanks for the promise of a new slate to write our day upon. Give to us the innocence and trust of children, the unbelievable delight of laughter and giggles, sharing the wisdom of others, stories to share and cups of tea to drink with friends. Bless the flock of friends and family, and people we hold dear and near. May the love of our Creator flow into our lives so that we may be Christ’s light for others and this may this Love be like a spark that grows and illuminates the whole world. This is the day, thanksgiving and rejoicing in our hearts and souls. Whoo hoo! Amen!

About Nancy Best

Rev. Nancy Best is a minister in the United Church of Canada. She serves a three-point pastoral charge in Quyon, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online