Thursday, June 26, 2014 — The Sea of Galilee

Last November, 2013, I had the opportunity to travel with a United Church of Canada group to Palestine and Israel. There was much that I found to be exceptionally distressing, and some still haunts my prayer life.

As it is a lovely evening, I would like to reflect on one of the most spiritual places I have been in this world, the Sea of Galilee. There is a cacophony of joyous noises and languages from pilgrims and tourists alike. Groups of people take their shoes off and wade into the clear, warm water. They expressions on their faces range from deep reverence to uninhibited exhilaration. Some cry. Some sing. The Nigerians we met several times danced. I was able to slip away from the groups and sit quietly on the shore. I found a rock the shape of a heart, and slipped it into my pocket, a gift from my Creator. As I looked out, it felt as if at any moment Jesus would lovingly call my name and walk across the water and take my hand. I wept.

Our Prayer
Jesus, we call you so many names, Redeemer, Word, Risen Christ, Table Turner, Messiah, Fisherman. As we gaze upon the holiness of water that was sung out of Chaos, let us watch for the human and divine one, and listen to our name being spoken. When we are sinking into the depths of despair, may our hand reach up, and yours reach down. Enable the cosmic spark they make bring us up to join The Risen One in relationship and well as friendship. As we walk in Companionship in the sunset of the day, help peace fill our souls and prayers of gratitude flood our hearts. Let us hold each other in heartfelt prayer as we walk in pilgrimage through the stories of our lives. Thanks be to God. Amen.

About Nancy Best

Rev. Nancy Best is a minister in the United Church of Canada. She serves a three-point pastoral charge in Quyon, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online