Saturday, June 28, 2014 — Interweb of Life

The summer solstice and National Aboriginal Day, when we honour the contributions of our First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people, seem intertwined to me. My Mohawk grandmother taught me about the interweb of life, the necessity of looking after all of our Creator’s children who share this garden, Earth. She planted her garden according to the phases of the moon, a custom that is common to many cultures. I will honour her today. I have my golden eagle feather out, to bring harmony to our home.

Morning Prayer
Creator God, we worship and honour you this day. We look to the sky and give thanks for our feathered friends. We look to the life giving waters and give thanks for all that leap, and swim. We marvel at the magnificence of Leviathan. We look to the earth, and are in awe at the range of beings that share our planet, minuscule ants, animals that are unique to their own habitats, and delight us with their presence. Help us to be stewards of creation, caretakers of all that is good and sacred. We thank you, and bless this Holy day. Megwich. Amen.

About Nancy Best

Rev. Nancy Best is a minister in the United Church of Canada. She serves a three-point pastoral charge in Quyon, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online